Sometimes I wish I could just be satisfied and leave things alone, just the way they are. And then again, sometimes I am happy that I took a...
Forgive Me...
I must admit I am a bit embarrassed. See, I have been a slacker. I have not lived up to my commitments. Today you were suppose to see my...
Monthly Wow's for July

I sure can't believe the month is over. Summer vacation is winding down. Kids getting ready to go back to school, and the creativity ne...
My Backyard Paradise
If you knock at the door and I don't answer that's because I am probably right here in the backyard, so come on back and join me Don...
Someone's at the Door- We Got Company!

Hello Top This Top That readers! My name is KariAnne and I blog about.....well.....actually.....I blog about a lot of random bits of life ov...
A Really "Green" Idea
If you know me,you would know of my love for Daylilies. If not, you can witness that adoration here . The love fest goes on for months unti...
Easy Photo Project ( That You Can Do Today)
Happy Friday. I hope it's been a great week for you. I want to share a really quick and easy photo project with you today. This makes a ...